>>>Caution, video content is not for the faint hearted!
Watch the video and it may seem very convincing, but is there a real case for what they are saying, or is this just another example of forcing a worldview into the world around us?
One of the claims in the video is, if the giraffe had an intelligent designer, then the nerve would run the shorter route instead of going a long way down and back up again. Therefore it would be a very bad design, if designed.
The only supposed alternative answer is that the whole thing is a process of evolution, as supposedly demonstrated by the animation at the end of the video.
The well known scientific book 'Gray's anatomy' has an answer about why the nerve takes a long route to its destination.
----PLEASE NOTE---- some have suggested quoting Grays anatomy is about the human body, but if you watch the beginning of the video, the issue was initially about the nerve in the human body, then it went on to talk about the giraffe.
available to read online here: http://www.theodora.com/anatomy/the_vagus_nerve.html
So given the two 'scientific' points of view here, we have to ask which one is correct? If the nerve has been found to have a function in the area it hooks around, then surely this hoax belongs with the hoaxes of past, such as piltdown man which people were fooled about for 40 years.
Perhaps we should follow the gut reaction that was recorded in the same video of the disection of that giraffe:
It is with this reality that I would plead with you to re-examine your worldview, as many people devise excuses for denying the existence of an all powerful Creator of the universe. The day will come when we have to give an account of all our thought life, words and actions to the one who gave us life. please read this article here while listening to your God-given conscience.
Proverbs 14:12
"There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death."
Watch the video and it may seem very convincing, but is there a real case for what they are saying, or is this just another example of forcing a worldview into the world around us?
One of the claims in the video is, if the giraffe had an intelligent designer, then the nerve would run the shorter route instead of going a long way down and back up again. Therefore it would be a very bad design, if designed.
The only supposed alternative answer is that the whole thing is a process of evolution, as supposedly demonstrated by the animation at the end of the video.
The well known scientific book 'Gray's anatomy' has an answer about why the nerve takes a long route to its destination.
----PLEASE NOTE---- some have suggested quoting Grays anatomy is about the human body, but if you watch the beginning of the video, the issue was initially about the nerve in the human body, then it went on to talk about the giraffe.
"As the recurrent nerve hooks around the subclavian artery or aorta, it gives off several cardiac filaments to the deep part of the cardiac plexus. As it ascends in the neck it gives off branches, more numerous on the left than on the right side, to the mucous membrane and muscular coat of the esophagus; branches to the mucous membrane and muscular fibers of the trachea; and some pharyngeal filaments to the Constrictor pharyngis inferior."
available to read online here: http://www.theodora.com/anatomy/the_vagus_nerve.html
So given the two 'scientific' points of view here, we have to ask which one is correct? If the nerve has been found to have a function in the area it hooks around, then surely this hoax belongs with the hoaxes of past, such as piltdown man which people were fooled about for 40 years.
Perhaps we should follow the gut reaction that was recorded in the same video of the disection of that giraffe:
It is with this reality that I would plead with you to re-examine your worldview, as many people devise excuses for denying the existence of an all powerful Creator of the universe. The day will come when we have to give an account of all our thought life, words and actions to the one who gave us life. please read this article here while listening to your God-given conscience.
Proverbs 14:12
"There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death."